Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Red Sundress

Every time I wear this sundress I can't help but get Kip Moore's, "Something Bout a Truck", stuck in my head. If you haven't heard it, it's a country song (don't hate me, I'm a country fan) that was fairly popular a few summers back. In the song is the line, "something bout a girl, in a red sundress..." which was circling my head all day.

I think it's pretty obvious why the song pops into my mind when I'm wearing this bright red beauty. I bought it and my braided turquoise necklace at Charming Charlie last summer and still can't get enough. Did you know they sell clothes?! I typically have problems with high-low dresses being to short in the front, but this one has enough material to stay on the appropriate side of sassy. The dress isn't in stock any more, but I did find some other great red sundresses to keep the sun on your skin and Kip Moore playing in your head - unless you don't like country... ;)

Dress: Charming Charlie (more options below)
Shoes: b.o.c (exact in black)
Wallet: Target (exact)
Necklace: Charming Charlie (exact)
Rings: Old Navy - in store only  (similar)
Earrings: Old Navy - in store only (splurge)

Sorry for the sporadic posts this week/weekend, I'm in the process of packing up and cleaning my apartment along with packing for my European backpacking trip. Woof. There's a lot to do before Wednesday and my head is spinning in every direction. I do have some fun ideas for new posts that should be coming soon though. Thanks for your patience!



  1. Hello legs! This is an amazing dress, definitely a show stopper. Love everything about this outfit.

    Roxi -

  2. That sundress is so lovely. Red is definitely your color!

    - Liz
