Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Plum Casual

Though I typically prefer wearing dresses or skirts, there is nothing like a comfortable, nice looking pair of jeans. Pair them with a soft, cotton tee and I am in heaven. This super causal outfit came about on a day where I really didn't feel like putting together an outfit. I had decided to just wear jeans and a tee - classic and simple - but walked past a scarf I recently bought at Old Navy (for $5!) hanging on my door handle and bada-bing bada-boom. Not the most creative or imaginative outfit, but I do love the simplicity with the little jazzing up the scarf provides.

What accessory would you add to a plain outfit to give a little more "oomph"?

Tee: Target (different colors)
Jeans: Gap Outlet (exact)
Sandals: Target (exact)
Scarf: Old Navy - sold out (other options)
Sunglasses: Charming Charlie (exact)
Bracelet: Fair Trade Expo
Rings: Old Navy - in stores only (very similar)

I've also recently jumped aboard the midi-ring train. I wasn't sure how I felt about them at first. I'm typically a one-ring-per-hand kinda girl, but I bought a set from Old Navy (they sell jewelry in the stores here!) and fell in love.


ps I'm linking up with SydneyFashionHunter, PleatedPoppy, PumpsandPushupsStyleElixir and DousedinPink on this post :)


  1. Oh those are really cute! I also love your scarf :) I never used to like rings on my fingers, but I might start wearing rings again - maybe stay with gold colored ones though...

    Roxi -

    1. Thanks Roxi! I go through spats of wearing rings all the time or not at all. Each time it takes a day or so to get used to the feeling of having on on my fingers. Don't give up if it feels uncomfortable the first day or so!
      Peace, Sarah

  2. Love that scarf! That purple looks great on you! Dropping by from the Basic Tee Linkup :)

    Mariah @ Faith & Fashion

  3. Love the scarf with the top! It really added a little something to the outfit :)

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

    1. Thanks so much, Abby! Gotta love Old Navy's sale rack.
      Peace, Sarah
