Tuesday, July 31, 2018

4 Lessons Learned As A [New] Plant Lady

Freshman year of college my mom gave me a tiny cactus to make my dorm room feel a little more homey. By the spring semester of that year, the cactus was dead and I had pretty much given up on any chance that I could care for plants of any kind.

I mean, who kills a cactus?!  This girl.

Fast forward nearly 10 years (woof) and you will find 15 different plants living in my apartment and 1 outside. To be fair, a bunch of those plants were gifted to me, but nevertheless, I have definitely become a full-fledge plant lady. What started with caring for a few succulents in grad school (you may remember THIS POST) has slowly blossomed and taught me a few lessons along the way.

[Ironically, the plant collection really took off after I wrote a post for Blessed is She detailing my struggle with keeping foliage alive. At that point in time I had only managed to care for 1.5 succulents and my spider plant who miraculously survived 3+ drops from the top of the refrigerator curtesy of Zelie.]

(More Cute Baskets HERE, HERE, and HERE)

Try Try Again

Cheesy and cliche, but so true and so important to remember.

I felt SO embarrassed after killing my cactus in college and had pretty much given up on ever having a garden. Had I not inherited a bunch of succulents when I moved into my apartment in California, I probably would have never tried again - seriously though.

But you can't learn if you don't try. So if you are sitting there thinking that you are not made for plant care even though the idea of it excites you, take a chance friend! If I can do it, you can do it!

The same philosophy should be applied when working on anything new skill. You've got this!

Google is Your Friend

(But you have to know what you need to find.)

My pothos plant's leaves were turning a gross brown color that clearly signified something was wrong. The only problem was, I didn't know what the issue was. I thought maybe it was getting too much sun - it wasn't. Or perhaps it needed more water - it didn't. In fact, it turned out to be the exact opposite. I was overwatering it and probably not giving it enough sunlight. Classic.

The only way I found this out was by Googling like crazy for the information I needed, which wasn't as easy as it sounds. I found pages and pages on how to care for a pothos or how pretty grown ones look in hanging pots or why you should get one for your home, but that didn't really help me. I didn't need the pictures of thriving plants. I needed pictures of dying ones with notes on what exactly was killing the plant and if it was possibly to bring it back. My learning style is very visual and rather than assume the words describing overwatering matched my plant, I needed to see it.

Thankfully just about everything you could ever need is on the internet, sometimes you just need to know specifically what it is you are looking for.

It's Not Dead Yet

I moved from "easy" house plants to a trickier (for me) outdoor plant this summer. It required a lot more watering and a lot more pruning. While I was away with students, I had M watch the apartment and care for the plants and Z. He did so well with all of them... except my verbenas. 90% of them were gone when I came home and there was a lot of dead plant to cut away. I tended to it, but was pretty sure it was pointless. Slowly the leaves regained their dark green hue and even grew fuller in the pot, but there were still no blooms to be seen.

At that point, I was ready to toss the thing. Sure it was nice that it was technically growing, but I really didn't need a flowerless, needy plant that couldn't grow back the following year anyway. So, I dialed my on-call gardener (aka Mom) and told her I had met my match. She listened patiently as I described what it looked like and then told me to give it another few days because the flowers just might start to come back.

I kid you not, the next day little specs of blue started showing up and two days later there were bunches of little flowers soaking in the sunshine.

Similar to the above lesson of trying again, don't fool yourself into thinking there's no use trying. Mistakes can be mended. New growth can occur. And lucky for us, our growth is always possible by the grace of God, when sometimes plants are actually dead (please note aforementioned cactus).

Don't Discount The Little Things

The verbenas were not the only plants currently in my apartment that I was sure were goners. From the pothos dying a slow, hydrated death, to my succulents being ripped from their soil by a bratty feline, I'm pretty sure I've been convinced every plant I own, with the exception of a weird tree-ish plant from Ikea (the technical term, ladies and gents) was dead at one point in time.

But when my mom came to visit in June, she pointed out a very important feature on a plant I was ready to toss in the garbage - baby leaves. There were tiny little leaves sprouting from the end of its vines!

Sure the plant had seen better days and the leaves that didn't quite reach the light of the window were wilting, but there was still so much going on internally that I couldn't see. It is alive and it is growing!

And by some strange miracle, this seems to be a trend with all of my plants. It hasn't happened overnight, and it hasn't happened without error, but my once deadly, anything-but-green thumb is doing alright with it's new garden. And all of this plant care is definitely teaching me lessons on the importance of resiliency, asking for help, and searching for small pieces of growth when it seems like all hope is lost.

Any other plant ladies/gents out there? I'm curious what advice you have for how to best care for your gardens and would love any book/blog suggestions for continued learning.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

5 Things I Am Loving in July

Hey friends,

Happy Tuesday! On Saturday I came back from my last summer immersion trip which means my summer schedule is finally here! I am very excited for a slower pace and more time to just go with the flow.

Summer also means a bit more free time to create and for whatever reason, my blogging bug seems to be coming back so maybe that means I will be posting more than once a month? Maybe. I make no promises other than to follow where the Spirit is leading. And that's really about all we can do, right?

Today I thought I'd share a few of the things I am loving this month. Nothing too earth shattering, just a good old fashioned round-up of things catching my eye this July.

1) The Blessed is She Mini Planner

I have been waiting for this baby to arrive since May and am so happy it's finally here. I love it's unique, intentional design that will help me remember to center my days around God and the gifts I've been given. The large size was just a bit too big for my taste but the mini is PERFECT. I'm already gearing up for August and my little planner heart is happy :)

2) Fr. Pedro Arrupe

One of my favorite examples of faith is on his way to beatification and I am so happy.

From my Instagram post a few days ago:

If you have never heard of Arrupe, I can’t recommend reading about his life enough. He answered the call to the priesthood while studying to be a doctor, which was put to good use when he was missioned to Japan. Living just outside of Hiroshima, Arrupe turned the Jesuit residence into a makeshift hospital for those who survived the devastating dropping of the atomic bomb. 

As Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Arrupe called out Jesuit institutions stating that we are called to be men and women for others, emphasizing a faith that does justice - something that I strive to teach my students every day.

There is so much beauty and depth to this man and his faith in God. He is a great leader of the Church that who I feel a great closeness to. I have been praying for his canonization for a long time and I am SO grateful that the recognition of his sainthood is underway.

3) Sour Patch Watermelon Gummies

My students introduced them to me on our Appalachia immersion and I'm obsessed. Usually I'm not a huge gummy/non-chocolate candy fan, but for whatever reason these things are what I'm craving lately. SO. GOOD.

4) The N Sale

Nordstrom is having their big annual anniversary sale and I am loving the sneak peak into trends to come this fall. The sale is open to anyone on July 20th but if you have their card, I think you can jump the line and start now. I don't really shop at Nordstrom at any other time of the year - department stores aren't really my jam - but I do love scanning the picks of this sale. I have bought these leggings in the past two sales and LOVE them. I live in them under dresses in the fall and winter or just lounge around the apartment with them in a cozy sweater. This year, I am loving this floral dress (this one too!), this scalloped sweater, this cozy cardigan, and these booties.

5) The Beach

This I was not expecting. Honestly, I have never really been a beach lover. Maybe it was being too self-conscious in a bathing suit or maybe it was the burning sand, but going to the beach was never something I desired to do. I would go if friends or family invited me, but it would never be something I chose to do. This summer I can't get enough and lucky for me, there are several community beaches 5-10 minutes away and M is always up for a visit. Has anyone else found themselves growing into loving the beach or maybe the reverse of now disliking it?

What about you, friend? What are you loving this month?


Monday, July 16, 2018

We're Engaged!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018 - Best. Day. Ever.

Y'all, it's been almost a month and my head is still spinning and my heart is still overflowing with gratitude and love. I'll probably sit down and write out the story of how Michael proposed at some point (or have him write it) along with explaining why exactly my nephew was dressed like a duck. But for now, I am still processing what it means to be engaged and trying to soak in each and every moment of this new stage with this incredible man.

If you have any tips or suggestions on how to embrace this stage of engagement, I am all ears. We are being very cautious to not make it just a planning period for a wedding and really entering into this time of preparation for marriage together.

As of right now, we have a date set and church confirmed, but that's about it... I'm pretty relaxed about everything and am starting to wonder if that is good or bad. I guess we shall see.

If you are any good at coming up with catchy hashtags, I'm all ears. Our last name will be Rose.
