Sunday, December 30, 2018

Favorite Target Fitness Finds

In the midst of all the packing for the big move, I realized I needed some more storage bins for organization and easier moving. I was also beginning to get a little stir-crazy, so I headed out to Target in search of some options.

You might be the type of person who can walk inside Target and go only to the section of the item on your list, but friend, I am not. (Unless I have a time limit, but even then, I am prone to wandering.)

I'm sure you'll be surprised to hear that the trip for packing supplies that should have taken maybe 20 minutes turned into about an hour of strolling aimlessly through the store looking at just about everything I didn't need. #noregrets

My mom (who is usually the subject of my talk-while-I-shop calls) was very proud when at the end of the trip I had only purchased two things that were not storage/organization related for the move: a travel size lotion because my skin was burning (thanks, winter) and some jingle bells for next Christmas (am I the only one who buys decor after each holiday in preparation for the next year? It's S O much cheaper!)

Possibly my most reserved trip to date. You can hold your applause.

99% of what I saw I was fine picking up and putting down, but y'all, when did Target start carrying such cute workout gear?! Seriously. My friend Katie shared about one of their tops on her instastory, but I had no idea just how amazing the selection would be. I loved it all and practiced some serious restraint by not buying any of it. That's right. Not a thing. Now you can applaud.
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To be fair, I am a sucker for any cute gym clothes. Just extra motivation to work out, right? But I usually only find one piece here or there that I like, and TBH, it's never really at Target. I might own a pair of their shorts and a tank, but beyond that, their style just didn't match mine beyond plain black leggings that I can get pretty much anywhere.

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As you can see, this year they stepped up their game. And not only is everything super cute, the vast majority is SUPER soft! I'm not sure when exactly, but at some point of my adult life a switch flipped in my brain and the softness and comfort of clothing has begun ranking higher than the look of the clothes themselves. I like to call it adulting.

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Luckily there are cute soft things our there or I would look like a hot(ter) mess.

For those of us looking for motivation to keep striving for a healthier lifestyle for the new year, or for those who simply want to wear clothes that feel like butter and look amazing, I will meet you in the activewear section at Target and we can spend our Christmas money together ;)


Friday, December 21, 2018

Late Night Ramblings

It's a typical Thursday night in my apartment. M has headed home after dinner and a work out. Z is running the length of our space back and forth for no apparent reason. And I am tidying up here and there before it's time to officially call it a night.

It's weird to me that what has become my normal for these past 2.5 years is coming to an end. Sure, my routine has shifted here and there - Michael and I are not longer dating long distance, I now have friends in Connecticut which means I have a (sort of) social life and there are actually things hanging on my apartment walls - but the core of the rhythm is still there.

These are the last few weeks I am going to live on my own. Ever.

In early January I will be making the move back to Ohio that my family has anxiously been waiting these past seven years. From then until our wedding, I will be living with my best friend and former college roommate on the East Side of Cleveland - an area we know and love and where we began our friendship.

Later in January, M will follow to Ohio - returning to his house, soon to be our home. We didn't think his transfer would be so soon and were bracing ourselves for the familiar pangs of distance, but God is generous and our time apart will be short.

It occurred to me tonight, as I was discerning whether to pack a box for the move, that I am actually packing to move into my future home as a married woman- and I can't quite believe it.

I won't be living in the house right away, but the majority of my things (especially furniture) will be headed there, ready to be organized and curated into cozy spaces I will share with my husband in less than 200 days.


I'm going to have a husband.

It still doesn't feel real. I don't know if it ever will.

What I did to deserve such a kind, generous man as my partner, I will never know, but I am so incredibly grateful to have him in my life.

Transitions are hard. They take a lot of energy and can stir up a lot of emotions, but they will pass and eventually settle to a new normal - probably very similar to the normal of today. And while I am anxiously awaiting what that new normal of marriage with my best friend will look like, tonight I am going to enjoy the solitude of my one bedroom apartment with a wild cat running back and forth over the hard wood floors.
