Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Grace of Remembrance

I have a brief activity for you. I invite you to close your eyes and think of a specific moment from your past that you remember feeling very happy and very loved. As you're thinking of this moment, try to remember what you were sensing at that time...

What do you see?

What noises do you hear?

What do you smell?

Try to soak in the environment around you...

What is the space like?

Who is there with you?

What are you doing?

How do you feel?

Memory is a beautiful tool that has the ability to transport us to a specific time and place in the blink of an eye. It can be triggered by sound, by smell, or any of your senses. You might hear a song and be rushed back to high school dance filled with laughter and friends. Maybe a visit to a familiar space brings back moments of pain so strong tears begin to flow. Or perhaps the smell of a certain cologne reminds you of your grandfather and creates a sense of nearness to him.

It doesn't matter the source or form, memories are powerful.

So powerful, in fact, that they play an absolutely crucial role in the source and summit of our Catholic faith: the mass. In both the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we find ourselves called into a space of remembrance. We gather together in order to remember God and in that remembering, be filled with love.

By breaking open the Word, we remember our God. Readings of scripture invite us to recall stories of the Creator, each facilitating revelation into how we are called to live. The Gospels animate our Lord and Savior providing vivid examples of his goodness and grace. And in the Prayers of the Faithful we remember and pray for peace in our Church and in the world.

In the celebration of the Eucharist, the community reflects on and remembers the sacrifice of Jesus and his words at the Last Supper. "Do this in memory of me." These words, shared during every Eucharistic Prayer, can be found in the Gospel of Luke. In these words, Christ expresses the deep connection that can be made through the act of remembrance. There is no Eucharist without remembrance.

It is in remembering Jesus and the love that he poured out for us that we are able to connect with Christ and the community of the faithful. That memory of His love and sacrifice binds our lives more deeply to His and encourages us to live a life that mirrors that divine love.

In this beautiful month of November, we are called to remember more intentionally. We prayerfully remember those who have gone before us. We hold in our hearts those saints, both canonized and not, who inspire us to live like Christ.

We remember, we celebrate, we believe.


*** Linking up with Blessed Is She and #BISsisterhood and Faith and Fellowship


  1. Love, love, love this visualization activity...I once had an activity like this for students where they wrote their responses as free verse poetry, completing these stem statements:
    See the...
    Smell the...
    Hear the...
    Taste the...
    Touch the...
    I feel...
    Many blessings to you today!

    1. Thanks, Beth! I love that you used it with your students. It's such a simple exercise, but can do SO much. Many blessings to you as well!
      Peace, Sarah

  2. This is beautiful Sarah!! I feel like it should be in a devotional or something on the Eucharist:) Thinking this could be a good thing to do also with our youth ministry program...

    PS Am loving looking around on your space here:)

    1. Oh gosh! Thanks Patty! I would love to hear how it goes if you use the meditation for your youth ministry!
      Peace, Sarah
