Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Rain, Rain, Keep On Coming!

As you may have seen on my Instagram, this week we finally got some rain in Berkeley!

I am pretty much always a fan of rain, and living in the terrible Californian drought has only increased my love for this cozy, cuddle-up-with-a-blanket weather.

To top it all off, I even got to wear the beautiful, Red Hunter Rain Boots! After I bought them last year there weren't any weather appropriate days to wear them (sorry, not going to wear rain boots if there's no rain), so they've just been sitting in my closet waiting... until now!

I bought the boots when they were on super sale just before Piper Lime closed. They marked them down from $150 to $88 and luckily had one pair left in my size! $80 credit card rewards plus free shipping meant that I bought brand new Hunter Boots in the bright red I had spent years admiring for under $10! Needless to say, I was am pretty jazzed.

I love the pop of red and the cheer it brings to an otherwise neutral outfit.

Because the boots are so bold, I chose to wear some simpler, gold accessories and my favorite seed earrings. Their little pop of red went beautifully with the boots, and to top it off, they're Fair Trade!

Hunter Rain Boots (exact)
Jeans: Old Navy (exact)
Sweater: Old Navy (similar)
Chambray: Pac Sun (similar)
Tote: From Florence (similar)
Watch: Michael Kors (similar)
Bracelet: Alex and Ani (very similar)
Ring: Gift (simlar)
Earrings: Fair Trade Expo (other awesome Fair Trade options here)

The rain did eventually end and the boots had to come off, but I have high hopes that it won't be another year before I get a chance to wear them again.


**linking up with StyleElixir, PleatedPoppy, SydneyFashionHunter, CurlyCraftyMom, MixandMatchFashion


  1. We are also having a drought and I would love some rain! I really like your sweater.

    1. SO many thoughts and prayers for ends to the droughts all over. Thanks so much for reading, Laura!
      Peace, Sarah

  2. Such a cute rainy day look!

    I hope that you get some more rain, it's horrible when there's a drought! :(

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. Thanks, Mica! I'm hoping for some more rain as well...
      Peace, Sarah

  3. I can't get over how adorable you look! You are so happy to have rain coming your way. Come to England, it rains way too much here... I wish I could afford Hunter boots, seems like you got the best deal possible!!

    Roxi -

    1. Gosh, I wish I could come to England! I studied abroad in London and have been itching to go back! And yes, if they were not such a good deal, there is NO way I could afford them!
      Peace, Sarah

  4. It's rare to find someone who loves rain. I personally loathe them! But I do like sipping on a warm drink and cozying up in bed... that's my fave part of rain! Love this sweater, by the way :)

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

    1. Aw, I'm sorry to hear you're not a fan! But I am right there with you on the warm drink and cozying up! Toss in a good book and you have described my heaven :)
      Peace, Sarah

  5. I've had the same adorable black rain boots for years but I can never manage to wear them when it rains! And since I left them in California when I moved to DC it'll probably never happen now lol

    1. Oh no! I would definitely suggest having them sent or grabbing a new pair for the rainy times in DC. Target usually has some adorable, inexpensive pairs. That's where I bought mine from in undergrad :)
      Peace, Sarah

  6. What a pretty outfit! I particularly like the sweater-over-button-down combo. I have a flannel button-down and have been wondering what I already have that I could throw over it, because I don't really like it by itself.

    your post in the What I Wore linkup. Here's my What I Wore post...

    Have a great day!

    1. Thanks so much, Anna! It's a great way to keep warm with layers! I'll be sure to hop over to your page and check out your post!
      Peace, Sarah

  7. My Hunter boots are probably the most often worn item in my closet! I wear them in the winter with thick hiking socks. It's still not terribly warm for Wisconsin winters, but it does the trick for my work commute.

    1. Ooo, I wasn't even thinking about winter time! (California on the mind I suppose.) I might just have to bring them home to Ohio come December...
      Peace, Sarah
