Monday, November 16, 2015

5 Weekly Graces Vol. 4

1.) This weekend was our immersion retreat for those students going on a winter break immersion this year. I am constantly in awe with how insightful and profound my students can be and this weekend was no exception. They never cease to give me hope in the world when I begin to feel jaded and pessimistic. Words cannot express how grateful I am for each and every one of them.

2.) Great Gatsby! As I mentioned in the last 5 Graces, on Friday I was given the opportunity to attend a fundraiser for one of my offices programs. The party was a ton of fun and it was so neat to see everyone all dapper in their 1920's attire. At the very end of the night, the 6 of us who were volunteering snuck up to the roof of the building to look out onto the city. We were smack dab in the middle of San Francisco, so the view was pretty spectacular.

3.) I'm super grateful for the grace of new friends. Between the young adult retreat last weekend and some new blogging pals, I've definitely been recognizing the warmth of good companionship in my life lately. Feeling very loved and cared for. Y'all are the best!

4.) One of my old roommates came into town to defend his master's thesis at the end of last week. It was so great to see him and catch up - even if it was only for a moment because of the retreat...

5.) Today marks the 26th anniversary of the martyrdom of 6 Jesuits, their housekeeper Elba and her daughter Selena at the UCA in El Salvador (learn more here).

Today and everyday I am graced with their example of courage and commitment to fight for justice.

Today and always, I continue to pray for peace in our world especially in light of the recent events in Lebanon, Paris, Kenya, and any other community where tragedy has struck.

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." - Mother Teresa

Much love for all of you.




  1. Sounds like a fun and eventful weekend! I love that Mother Teresa quote. So beautiful and so true! <3

    1. It was quite the whirlwind, Nina, that is for sure! I love the quote too! Mother Teresa just has a way with words.
      Peace, Sarah
