Monday, November 9, 2015

5 Weekly Graces Vol. 3

Well y'all, it's already Monday, which means it's time for another volume of 5 Weekly Graces.

During one of my student meetings we shared "highs and lows" of the week and I couldn't think of any lows! I don't know that that has ever happened to me before! My week was jam packed with joy and blessing and I can't wait to share some of them with you!

1. Rain! Not nearly enough, but Sunday night through a good chunk of Monday we had rain in Berkeley! Not only is rain my favorite, but I also got to wear my bright red Hunter Boots for the first time (you can read my post about it here)!

2. On Monday, my house hosted the Berkeley Jesuit Volunteers over for a delicious soup dinner full of good conversation and laughter.

For those who are unfamiliar, JV's are young adults who decide to spend a year of service working with marginalized populations both in the US and abroad. It's similar to the Peace Corp, except that these volunteers also commit to living in a house together while striving to live out the pillars of simplicity, social justice, spirituality and community. The Washington Post wrote a pretty good article about the program if you're interested in learning a little more.

I was a JV in Alaska for my first year out of undergrad and cannot put into words how formative that time was for me.

3. My office is helping host an event in San Francisco for young alumni to raise financial support for one of our service programs. Tickets are pretty pricey which means that I typically wouldn't be able to attend, but Wednesday I was asked to help with the first part of the event which means I can go! It's Gatsby themed and guests are encouraged to dress accordingly which means I just ordered this dress from Rent the Runway. To say that I am excited is a bit of an understatement.

Does anyone have any tips for how to do hair or makeup. I'll definitely be searching Pinterest, but if any of you have Gatsby party experience, I'm all ears!

4. I'm back in a blogging groove! After a month or so of both writer's block and lack of motivation, I think I have finally pushed through my blogging funk. Since incorporating my faith and other aspects of my life into Simply Sarah, I feel that a much more authentic version of myself is present here in this space.

While I was nervous that this transition would cost me all of my new friends and readers, I have found quite the opposite to be true. I cannot thank you all enough for your support and love through this process. It means so much. 

5. Lastly, I spent this last weekend on the Caritas Young Adult Retreat. Technically, I am still there now thanks scheduled posts... :)

I had been craving the space to have a solid amount of time to pray and reflect, especially with a new transition looming in the air of graduation, and around a month ago this opportunity pretty much just fell into my lap. I'm beyond grateful to have a weekend filled with fellowship and prayer. And as bad as it may sound, I am also really thankful that I am not leading any part of it. Cheers to a weekend of peaceful rest and crossing off #18 of my 101 in 1001!

So tell me, how was your week??


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