Thursday, December 10, 2015

Peace Be With You

Peace I leave you, my peace I give you...

I need peace.

We need peace.

Our world needs peace.

This week's prompt for the #BISSisterhood is, you guessed it, peace.

Normally to prepare for these posts, I look up the prompt about before the post date and spend about a week praying about what to write. There have been prompts where I've know immediately what I will share, and others where I've worried nothing will come in time. But it always does.

Yet on this topic of peace, I remain speechless.

It's not that I have no thoughts about the subject. I've written, reflected, and given talks about it numerous times. I have notes on inspiring workers for peace, marked scriptures illuminating the peace of God, and reflective songs that continue the conversation of creating peace.

But today, as I reflect on our world - a world thirsting so desperately for peace - all I can do is sit and be still.

I cannot formulate the words to adequately express that desire for peace - that deep longing.

So rather than write to you about peace, in this moment I pray - and if you feel called, I invite you, too, to share in a prayer for peace.

Peace in our world.
Peace in our hearts.


*** Linking up with Blessed Is She and #BISsisterhood


  1. Yes the stillness...what helps me enter into that is talking a deep breath in praying "Be still and know" and then breath out slowly "That I am God." ...It has been helpful for me to quiet as I come to prayer.

    1. That's a beautiful meditation, Patty! Thanks for sharing! The Fray has a beautiful song called Be Still that is also really good at calming down nerves. I think you'd like it :)
      Peace, Sarah

  2. Amen! Sometimes words aren't enough. I love that God can read the thoughts of our hearts before we can.

    1. I love that to, Mattanah. Thanks so much for reading.
      Peace, Sarah

  3. Totally with you on this. These days it can be so hard to make heads and tails of things. All we can do is look to the Prince of Peace.

    1. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and for reading, Linda.
      Peace, Sarah
