Monday, January 4, 2016

5 Weekly Graces Vol. 11

Happy New Year everyone! I have a feeling 2016 is going to be a good one. 

I'm actually typing this in the airport while I wait for my connection back home to Berkeley. Where did the time go? It feels like just yesterday I was finishing my final papers and preparing for Christmas in Ohio and now it's over. On a very exciting note, Wednesday I leave for Jerusalem with my classmates for what I am certain will be a trip of a lifetime and I can't wait! All I need to do is get to my apartment, unpack, and pack again - and maybe do some post vacation school prep. We'll see. 

As you can imagine, the last week of my time with family and friends was jam packed with love and laughter. From New Year's parties, to trips to PA, it was a great visit. 

Here are just a few of the many highlights:

1) New Years

New Year's Eve was one of the largest gatherings of our group of friends from college in a long time. It was so great to see everyone and their babies (we're officially old)! Every year we do a white elephant exchange and this year prizes ranged from that game where you get pied in the face, a friend's hand painted wine and canvas original and delicious coffee from New Orleans with an adorable elephant mug. The hosts of the party are known for making up new games and thinking of great ideas and they created a New Year's game that did not disappoint. It was a great night followed up with delicious omelets the next morning.  

2) Day Trip to Erie

My best friend from college lives in Erie, PA which is not super far from where I live in Ohio, but keeping my car in California limits mobility while I'm home. Lucky for me, another one of our good friends also wanted to visit her, so I was able to snag a ride up with him and his sister on the day before New Year's Eve. And we were able to convince her to just come home with me since she was coming to Ohio for New Years anyway! It was such a blessing to be able to catch up in person and stay up talking all night. Sometimes being so far from close friends can be really tough, but it makes me appreciate the time I do have a lot more. 

3) Weekend Catch-Ups

Speaking of visits with good friends, I spent Saturday night at the beautiful new home of one of my best friends from high school. It wasn't anything fancy, we basically just ordered a pizza, drank a bottle of wine and stayed up all night catching up on each other's lives. Those are my favorite kind of nights.

4) Fiesta Bowl

You know my semester was super busy if I didn't have a chance to catch any OSU football games. Luckily, I was able to crack out my jersey and watch them beat Notre Dame on January 1st. Golly do I love college football. Game days are just so much fun! I texted one of my friends from grad school who also loves Ohio State and he replied that this was the only time he would cheer against the church - too funny.

5) The Living Person

Friends of mine from undergrad have been working hard on a project dedicated to inspiring others to become more fully alive in Christ by challenging yourself physically, mentally, or spiritually. Their website, officially launched on Dec. 27th and is pretty amazing. They've also been releasing some amazing videos and other content on their Facebook page. Check it out! You might even recognize a familiar name ;)

How was your New Year? I hope settling back into your routine is going well on this happy Monday!


** I'm linking up with Ember Grey


  1. Can I tell you also how MUCh I love New Year's like as a celebration and holiday?! I went to a fun party this year with folks from the young adult group at New Year''s is a time of renewal and hope:)

    1. That sounds like so much fun, Patty! This year is definitely beginning with themes of renewal! I hope your first month of 2016 was spectacular!
      Peace, Sarah

  2. Your NYE party sounds like it was a lot of fun! A pie in the face as a white elephant gift?! LOLLL. You seem like a girl I'd totally hang out with IRL, Sarah! Glad I found you!

    1. Oh my gosh, Ashlyn, you are too sweet! So happy you stopped by!
      Peace, Sarah

  3. Oh my gosh, that pie in the face game! I've seen it on Youtube and I want it so bad! haha! Also, fellow OSU fan right here :) Go Buckeyes!

    1. Joy, you just made my day that you are a Buckeye fan! And I definitely recommend trying the game if you get a chance! Thanks for stopping by!
      Peace, Sarah

  4. What a great post! My friends and I always tend to meet up near Christmas because we know everyone will be at home around the same time. That's awesome you were able to carpool with a friend to see even more friends!

    I am hosting a gratitude link up here and this would be a great post to add if you are interested! :)

    1. Don't you love how the holidays bring friends and family together? It has definitely gotten harder now that friends are married with kids of their own now, haha! Thanks so much for stopping by Autumn! Because I'm so far behind on comments I wasn't able to link up for January, but I did just join the one posted today!
      Peace, Sarah
