Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Better Late Than Never

I have been talking about starting this blog for a while now. I’ve written outlines and plans and topics. I’ve shared the idea with friends and family to keep myself accountable. I’ve even made creating it a New Year’s Resolution… twice.

And yet here we are, over 2 years later, and I am just now writing my first post. Oy.

To be honest, I think a lot of the delay came from chronic perfectionism and un-realistic expectations placed on the blog by none other than yours truly. I wanted the design to be perfect. I wanted to have 10+ posts ready on the sidelines. I wanted to be skilled in something that I had not even pushed forward and tried. Silly? Perhaps. But that's me I suppose...

That is where the title of the blog (which I naturally spent months agonizing over) comes in. This is my blog. This is a space for me to reflect and share and grow. It’s a space to share random happenings in my life as they happen and as I learn. No phony exaggerations, no fancy flourishes, and a few likely typos/grammatical errors. Just me.

So, here goes nothing. This is me - Simply Sarah.



  1. Hi Sarah! Had the same experiencing in starting my blog last month :D Took two years but we did it!

    Roxi -

    1. Hey Roxi! Glad to know I'm not the only one to wait so long! Any tips for a fellow newbie? (Also, I checked out your blog and am now fixated on the Zara clutch. SO cute.)Thanks for stopping by!


    2. My best advice would be that it's okay to make mistakes with blogging. You are gonna find your groove but it'll take time. I'm still trying to find mine! I look forward to seeing your "From this, to that" posts, that first one looks so tasty. Oh and don't be afraid to be social and reach out to others. Everyone is just so friendly in the blogosphere!

      Can't wait to see what else you have in store!
