Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Soul Searching

You're in for another long one folks, so please bare with me...

When I began this blog, I was looking for a creative outlet. A space where I could talk about life, maybe post a recipe or two, and also share a bit of my personal style. I wanted a space that would motivate me to do something beyond just studying and a space to write more than academic papers.

And that, thankfully, is what Simply Sarah became. By the end of last semester, I found myself cooking more adventurous things, watching my spending when it came to my clothing obsession, and even documenting bits and pieces of my adventures in Europe this summer.

But if I am being honest, I feel like there is a piece of me that isn't shared as readily on this page simply because it doesn't have anything to do with style or recipes - my faith and spirituality. And I think that is why my blog has felt so lacking for me lately.

I'm currently in my final year of my Master of Divinity program and with all of my studying I was hoping to have an outlet to talk about more than academic theology - a space to get myself out of the books and not have to think about Christology, or ecumenism or other heady topics. Even when grabbing dinner with friends conversations often turned to documents of Vatican II, or patristics and it was becoming quite overwhelming.

Now don't get me wrong, I geek out about a good exegesis as much as the next theology major, but in the same way that most of us have to learn to leave our work at work, I started this blog to leave school at school, or at only critically analyze things while doing assignments...

However, I think in my efforts to distance myself from schoolwork, I put up an unintentional wall between my blog and other areas of my life that very much include my faith and spirituality which is both connected to and separate from my study of theology.

I began to notice this when I wanted to share parts of the Camino I walked this summer. I wrote a brief post about what exactly a Camino was and why I was doing it, but definitely felt a resistance to hold back because those who read my blog only expect outfits or recipes or shopping suggestions. I also noticed the tension when trying to write about my trip to Ecuador last month. I was caught in this idea that surely my readers don't want to hear about anything about me personally, right?

Well, maybe.

But based on some of the friendships and connections I've already made in my short time of blogging, I think I will still have some people to share in the more personal aspects of my life.

Plus, this is my little corner of the internet and I can - and honestly should - use it in whatever way makes me feel most authentic to myself.

 I am not saying that I am going to stop posting outfits or recipes - nor am I saying that blogs that only post those things are lacking in any way shape or form. But with new types of posts, there will be a decline in the amount of outfits and shopping posts.

What I'm trying to say (in a long, but personally necessary outpouring of self) is that through my brief time in blogging, I have begun to feel more comfortable sharing me with all of you. And in that comfortability I would like to share other aspects of my life.

When I go to Jerusalem in January, I don't want to feel odd sharing about the Church of the Visitation and why it means so much to me to visit it. When I share my weekly round-up, I want to feel comfortable mentioning that a homily at mass was on point.

I know that this might mean losing some of you as readers, and I totally respect that. There are blogs that I go to for specific content and when they start changing that, there have been times that I've stopped reading.

I just wanted to give you a heads up so that you don't come to the page one day looking for a quinoa recipe and find a post about something religious which is something you may have otherwise not expected to see.

Thank you all for making me feel so supported in this medium that I can share a bit more of myself.

As always, feel free to send any questions my way. I love hearing from you!



  1. Good for you for taking the next step! The same thing happened to me. The more comfortable I got, I realized I was posting less recipes, and more thought provoking posts. Plus, I realized I wasn't share Christ's love as openly as I should be... and what better way than through a blog. Looking forward to seeing your future here, Sarah :)

    1. Thanks so much for the encouragement, Joy! I can't express how much it means to me.
      Peace, Sarah
