Wednesday, December 18, 2019

26 Weeks and Getting Ready for Christmas


I get weekly pregnancy updates emailed to me that usually include some reference to the size of a baby at each week and what symptoms might be included. Today it said something about week 26 being the last week of the second trimester! It also acknowledged that some consider week 27 the last, but either way you spin it, this baby is coming.

And while I am eager with anticipation to meet this little peanut (and find out if it's a boy or girl!), I am acutely aware that there are roughly a million things left to do to prepare for his or her arrival. Construction planned for the house has placed nursery nesting on hold as it will make some changes to that space. We have a solid name for a boy chosen and two first name options for a girl but can't decide on a middle name. And don't even get me started on choosing godparents. . . 

But even with our long to-do list and feelings of not being quite ready, I know that what needs to get done will and all the pieces will slowly fall into place. 

Are you ever really "ready", anyway?

Lately Christmas preparations and Advent practices have been at the front of my mind. I'm still trying to decide if I'm using them as a distraction from the speed at which this babe is growing. The intentionally slow pace of the Advent season doesn't seem to be slowing down my expanding belly and I'm still trying to fathom how it can possibly get any bigger. But with each kick and stretch this tiny person does inside of me, I am filled with awe and wonder and joyful hope.

Tis the season, I suppose.

Being pregnant this time of year naturally has me reflecting on Mary being pregnant with Jesus. (And how in the world she rode on a donkey while being that far along in her pregnancy. No thank you.) I'm working on a post to share some of that reflection and hope to have it ready soon. 

(It's about being pregnant during Advent, not riding a donkey.) 

(Linking to similar items)

I'm still working on embracing this new body of mine and figuring out how to dress it outside of the leggings and sweatshirts I've been wearing around the house. For workdays, I've been trying to stay semi-stylish without breaking the bank in buying a whole new wardrobe. 

I have gotten a few pieces of maternity gear over these 26 weeks (my Blanqi leggings are probably my favorite), but I've also been able to adapt clothes that I already had hanging in my closet. Thank goodness for oversized sweaters and stretch skirts, amiright?

I bought this skirt over two years ago from the Loft outlet and wear it all the time. In the summer I add a tank or blouse and sandals and in the fall or winter tights, sweaters and booties make it work. It's near the top of my list for Christmas Mass options this year - partly because I don't have many options that fit and partly because I love it so much ;)

Do you know what you're wearing for Christmas yet? Any mamas out there with clever ideas for inexpensive maternity looks? I'm all ears.



  1. My babies were all winter babies. My first was born a week before Christmas. My last was born a week after Christmas. They definitely made me think about Mary and what she was going through and how she might have felt. I did not have a strong connection to Mary before that but this certainly helped me to grow closer to our Blessed Mother.

    1. I'm feel very similarly to Mary! Just posted about a new connection whereas I normally don't feel super close to her. Peace, Sarah
