Y'all, I move this weekend. I seriously can't believe it. I've been so productive the past few days home and am so thankful I decided to spend them getting things set in CT instead of taking the extra week in OH. I've been cleaning, packing, reading, working out and even blogging. Let's keep this energy up, shall we.
Seriously though. Can I bottle it somehow? Work starts again tomorrow morning and I am already dreading that alarm.
I'm a little late to the game but still wanted to join in on Anne's "Currently" link-up this month. It's a great way to get some creativity flowing and even begin some of those to-do lists.
Choosing - joy. Actively, intentionally, and radically. I've been noticing how my body, mind and spirit are affected in certain situations and certain conversations. Rather than giving into negative thoughts and patterns, I am choosing to find joy in all things and to remove myself from those environments that simply do not bear fruit or bring light into my heart. Easier said than done, but the ever-present optimist in me is hopeful.Tidying - my whole apartment. The movers are coming on Friday and after a final deep clean once everything is gone, I am officially moving! It has been a lot of work, but I will say it finally forced me to sit down and organize boxes and bins that have accumulated in the past 3 years and even from before that in previous homes.
Resolving - to not wait until New Years Day or a specific date to start chasing my dreams and goals. I posted a little bit about this on January 1st and hope to continue striving to make today and every day the best it can be - all for the greater glory of God (AMDG)
Refreshing - /reseting my focus on the wedding planning. We've had the majority of the big items checked off of our list since late summer/early fall which is such a blessing considering how much of my time and energy the new job, move and just life in the midst of it all has taken. I've been fortunate with the ease of it all (definitely a consolation and affirmation that this is the right move), but adding wedding planning on top of everything would have been overwhelming. Now that other things are in place, we can refocus on our special day and lifetime to come.
Exploring - possible Honeymoon destinations. As with most of the wedding planning, I am super indecisive/ happy with just about anything, so this has been interesting. I'd love to go someplace new to me, but would also love to show M around some of my favorite destinations. We are pretty active and love exploring, couldn't do more than a day or two on a beach, and hope to go abroad. Any and all suggestions are welcome!
So what about you, friend? What are you up to this month? How is your January shaping up? I'd love to hear!