In the midst of all the packing for the big move, I realized I needed some more storage bins for organization and easier moving. I was also beginning to get a little stir-crazy, so I headed out to Target in search of some options.
You might be the type of person who can walk inside Target and go only to the section of the item on your list, but friend, I am not. (Unless I have a time limit, but even then, I am prone to wandering.)
I'm sure you'll be surprised to hear that the trip for packing supplies that should have taken maybe 20 minutes turned into about an hour of strolling aimlessly through the store looking at just about everything I didn't need. #noregrets
My mom (who is usually the subject of my talk-while-I-shop calls) was very proud when at the end of the trip I had only purchased two things that were not storage/organization related for the move: a travel size lotion because my skin was burning (thanks, winter) and some jingle bells for next Christmas (am I the only one who buys decor after each holiday in preparation for the next year? It's S O much cheaper!)
Possibly my most reserved trip to date. You can hold your applause.
99% of what I saw I was fine picking up and putting down, but y'all, when did Target start carrying such cute workout gear?! Seriously. My friend Katie shared about one of their tops on her instastory, but I had no idea just how amazing the selection would be. I loved it all and practiced some serious restraint by not buying any of it. That's right. Not a thing. Now you can applaud.
For those of us looking for motivation to keep striving for a healthier lifestyle for the new year, or for those who simply want to wear clothes that feel like butter and look amazing, I will meet you in the activewear section at Target and we can spend our Christmas money together ;)