Friday, April 1, 2016

April Goals

Good golly, where did March go?! I cannot believe that it is already April! My blog will turn 1 this month which is super exciting, but I also have comprehensive exams which is not the most exciting thing...

Last month's goals were hit and miss. I would say that I accomplished at least part of all of them which is pretty good. To be fair, I am also being pretty lenient with myself - ok, very lenient.

This month I am going to keep the goals short and sweet simply because I am going to be SWAMPED with comps prep and interviews along with everything else. Here are three things I hope to accomplish in April:

1) Make it through written comps - thoughts and prayers on April 21 and 22 would be great!
2) 8 Blog Posts and continued engagement - still so thankful for this beautiful community!
3) Go to daily mass at least 5 times - because a little extra intentional time with God never hurts.

Again, not too many set for this month, but I really want to keep them manageable and protect myself from getting too overwhelmed in this crazy, busy month.

How about you? Do you have any goals in mind for April? I'd love to hear!


For those interested, here are the outcomes for my March's Goals:

Better Blogging:

Build Content - Post 10 times this month including one new recipe.
Technically I did not post a recipe, but I did attempt a new one and take photos during the prep for a post. It just ended up being an epic fail... womp womp.

Build Community - Read and comment on a minimum of 3 posts per day.
I was definitely way more engaged in building community this month. I did slack a little during my immersion trip, but given the extenuating circumstances, I think I can count this one as more or less complete too.

Create Art - Practice/Try new photo skills (Pinterest is a great tool!)
I definitely worked more with photography this month, particularly in editing skills. It's been a lot of fun and I am loving the learning.

Better Learning:
Manage Time - Get back in the habit of having readings done a day or so early - it's a nice cushion.
Fail. Life happens, ya know?

Manage Studies - Engage more in comprehensive exam preparations - at least 10 flashcards per week.
I spent a good amount of time studying this month. Some flashcards, but more case study practice than anything.

Look to the Future - Turn in 5 more job applications.
3/5 'aint bad, right?

Better Me:
Be Hospitable - Host a dinner party.
Done! I had the women from my cohort over for a beautiful party at the beginning of the month and had an amazing time.

Be Strong - Start running again after stitches are removed.
Check! I have been running a few times a week since the stitches are gone and boy does it feel good!

Embrace the Good - Set aside an extra hour of prayer each week devoted to gratitude.
I'm going to leave this undone just because I know I could be more intentional about this. I did spend time praying in thanksgiving, but not regularly.


And that's it. Hope everyone has a beautiful Friday and first day of April!


**Linking up with my so-called chaos, #monthylygold


  1. I'm looking to the future, as well. Good look on your continued job search! Like you, my goal this month is to be a consistent blogger.

    1. Great goal, Emily! I hope it went well for you!
      Peace, Sarah

  2. Best of luck on your exams! I just created a blog post about my goals for April, too. I love writing them down because it eliminates any excuses I can come up with at the end of the month for not knowing where to focus!

    1. The list does definitely keep you accountable, Ashley! (Unless you completely drop the ball on one like blogging and answering comments like I did... haha Sorry for the delay!)
      Peace, Sarah

  3. You did pretty good! I think you'll rock April.

    1. Thanks Angie! I did ok with April. Hopefully May will be better!
      Peace, Sarah

  4. I don't know about you! But sometimes its tricky keeping up a balanced amount of post's based on different themes or tabs, whew! ;-)

    1. It is definitely tricky to find that balance. Someday I will find that secret haha
      Peace, Sarah

  5. I love the goals you've made for yourself! Short and sweet and getting you to where you need to be (and realistic!)

    1. Thanks, Desirae! Sometimes you just have to be realistic with yourself.
      Peace, Sarah

  6. Hi Sarah! Found you on #MonthlyGold linkup. I love the simplicity of your 3 April goals (not to say your goals are simple, because I am sure they will be challenging at times, but that you've narrowed it down to 3 intentional goals).

    I like your March goal of being more hospitable! I am working on that this year as well by trying to invite a couple over to our apt so my hubby and I can grow in relationships with young married couples from our church.

    1. Hi Elle! Thanks so much for your kind message! Were you able to host friends over last month?
      Peace, Sarah

  7. These are fantastic goals!! Yay for dinner parties. If I could cook, I think I would host more of them.

    Ps. Good luck getting through written comps.

  8. I love your goals! I tried to keep mine short and sweet too! I will agree that life can get pretty busy, and some of the goals just slio right on by. Just know that God has your back, and good luck on your exams!!!

    1. Thanks for such kind words, Le'nae! I hope April was a good month for you!
      Peace, Sarah
