Monday, December 14, 2015

5 Weekly Graces Vol. 8

Yesterday marked the half-way point in the Advent Season, Gaudete Sunday (one of my favorites). This is a day where we are called to pause for a moment in our Advent waiting and penance and be joyful, remembering the love of God and all that God has done and continues to do for us.

As I wrote this post and reflected on the good in my life last week, I made sure to search for the joy. There is so much negative in the world that could put us in a slump of despair, but there's also so much joy to be found! And though sometimes it is hard to seek out that joy, when it is found it helps create a whole new outlook and positive perspective.

Gaudete Sunday has once again come and gone, but I hope that you all continue to seek joy, friends.

1) Joy

Keeping in theme, the first grace I want to focus on is joy. This week there have been so many moments of laughter with friends and so many memories made. On retreat last weekend I mentioned to my housemates that I am not very good at remembering the specifics of our times together, but I always remember feeling joy and that is such a gift.

2) Spiritual Direction

A few posts back I mentioned that I was searching for a new spiritual director and was able to get an appointment with a women that many in my school rave about. Well, on Tuesday I had my first meeting with her and it was so beautiful. I went in thinking we might focus on a particular prayer experience last month, but instead she drew me deeper into an experience I hadn't even paid much attention to. I left our meeting exhausted in the most beautiful way. After years of searching for a director I work well with, I think I have found one!

3) Hockey

I went to my first hockey game with a great group of friends on Saturday. One of my roommates is a student from Germany and has wanted to see a hockey game for years. The excitement on her face alone made the whole trip worth it. Surprisingly, I didn't mind the game either and am extremely impressed with the players' coordination and ability to skate so well.

4) Immersions Under Way

After months of planning, this weekend we sent off our winter cycle of immersion participants on their trips. It is always a huge relief once they are on their way and leaves our office with a sense of accomplishment. Many prayers for the students and those they encounter on their journeys.

And now we begin preparation for the Spring Break trips...

5) Finals

Ok ok, finals week is not the most exciting and I don't feel completely prepared (yet), however as I was going through my syllabi (which is just a fun word in general) I noticed that two of the papers I have due are significantly easier shorter than I thought. Super exciting and such a stress reliever!

I fly home on Wednesday and hope to take as little home to finish as possible. Time to get stuff done!

What were you graced with this week?


** Linking up with Ember Grey and Faith and Fellowship


  1. What a great way to remember God's Grace! I love these! Joy would definitely be one of mine too! Happy Monday!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Melanie! I hope you continue to be graced by joy!
      Peace, Sarah

  2. Focusing on joy is definitely important. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It definitely is! Thanks for reading, Cara!
      Peace, Sarah

  3. I'm so so glad I found your blog, Sarah! I'm Catholic too, and I've been on the hunt for people like you to connect with. Would lovelovelove to chat faith with you sometime if you're down. And cheers to Advent! One of the most beautiful times of the year, for sure.

    Coming Up Roses

    1. I would love to chat, Erica! I just love the beautiful connections and friendships created within blogging networks! I hope your Advent is winding up well and you have a very merry Christmas!
      Peace, Sarah
