Tuesday, December 1, 2015

5 Weekly Graces Vol. 6

Happy December!

Normally I post my round-up of blessings on Mondays, but because Fran's budget link-up was on Monday this month, I shifted this to Tuesday. Hooray for not having to adhere to a strict blogging schedule ;)

As I have been writing these weekly posts I am definitely noticing more consciously just how fortunate and blessed I am. Yes, I sometimes have to think a little harder for that 4th or 5th grace, but that forces me to take another few minutes of prayer and contemplation which always reveals more beautiful moments from my week.

Do you have any routines of reflecting on the good in your day?

1. Let's start with the obvious from this week: my mom's visit.

It was such a gift to have a piece of home with me on Thanksgiving this year, especially having it be my mom. I loved showing her my school, introducing her to my friends and roommates, and taking her to some of my favorite spots around town. She didn't really want to do any sight-seeing so we stayed in the East Bay and had a really chill, beautiful visit together.

2. Thanksgiving Day!

Thanksgiving itself was also full of grace. We began our day with mass at my school and a nice reception afterwards. Then we headed home to bake some rolls (a recipe I hope to share later) and relaxed until it was time to go to my friend's home for dinner. It was a small, potluck style meal full of beautiful dishes and colors. There was great conversation, lots of laughter, and lots of gratitude.

3. Rest.

Because I am still in school, I had Wednesday and Friday off as well as most of Tuesday! Not only did this break give me some quality time with my mom, but I was also able to just rest- a gift I used to take for granted. Could I have been working ahead on assignments and other projects? Sure. (And I probably should have.) But sometimes you just need to step back, lounge on the couch and breath.

4.  Babysitting.

With the last few packed weekends and then Thanksgiving week there was a pretty big gap in my babysitting routine. After a few weeks apart, Sunday I was able to reconnect with them for my usual 3 hour gig. Not only is it nice to get aways from campus and earn a little extra cash, but they are the absolute sweetest people and are like a second family to me out here.

5. Flying.

Lastly, I finally booked my flight home for Christmas. I've flown countless times (especially this year) but for whatever reason, as I booked my ticket this time, I felt a strong sense of gratitude for 1) being able to afford a ticket home 2) having access to such quick transportation cross-country and 3) the concept of flying itself. I mean, how cool is it that we (ok the planes) can fly?! It's amazing!

I'm also SUPER jazzed that Advent has begun, but will spare you repetitive rambling as I have already posted on this.

I hope you all have the space to stop, take a moment, and reflect on the many blessings in your days.


*** Linking up with The Awesome Link-upA Grateful Heart and #Keeping the Good


  1. Ahhhh, breaks are amazing, especially when you're in college! Sounds like yours was great! I didn't get to relax quite as much as I had wanted to, but when you have a 13 week old puppy, that's to be expected!!

    1. Oh my goodness, I bet your puppy was worth the energy spent though! 13 weeks! Too cute!
      Peace, Sarah

  2. Oh, this is so nice! I love that you document weekly graces -- this is such a lovely post!

    1. Thanks so much, Tawni! I find it keeps me present to the good rather than focusing on the bad.
      Peace, Sarah

  3. This is a great idea...posting your graces every week! I should try that :D
    That's so sweet you went to Mass as a family on Thanksgiving. We were traveling on Thanksgiving day so it didn't work out for us, but I would have loved that!

    1. Let me know if you do start a thread of graces, Manda. I'd love to read them! Mass was lovely with my mom. It's nice just to be around loved ones during the holidays. Thanks for reading.
      Peace, Sarah

  4. This is a wonderful idea! I record what I'm grateful for each day in a Gratitude Journal. :)

    1. I love gratitude journals, Mandy! Mine was actually my inspiration for this chain of posts. Thanks so much for reading!
      Peace, Sarah

  5. Thanks for linking up with me and sharing the wonderful things happening in your life now. Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks, Anne. It was wonderful. I hope yours was blessed as well!
      Peace, Sarah
